First Camera
I recall holding this camera in my hand as a teenager, and wondering what all the buttons meant. It looked like a highly polished piece of equipment, and certainly something beyond my understanding of photography.
Many thanks for visiting my photography website, my name is Jas (aka aPhotoTaker) and I am about as ordinary as they come. I enjoy taking photos, in particular, I love creating a mood that captures a certain essence of life.
I am definitely not Peter McKinnon and my photography and communication skills are still a bit lacking. Instead, I learn by tinkering and hacking away at things in order to figure out how they work. I hope the following journey tells a better story. Please feel free to comment.
First Camera
I recall holding this camera in my hand as a teenager, and wondering what all the buttons meant. It looked like a highly polished piece of equipment, and certainly something beyond my understanding of photography.
One of My First Photos
Our teacher had instructed the students to go out and take photographs incorporating light, composition, and other elements. The neat thing was developing it afterward in the darkroom.
35mm Film and on Auto Setting
Nice camera, still didn't understand all the settings. Like the majority of the people, used it on Auto setting. Still took a lot of photos, but the hobby was getting expensive with each roll of film.
Picture Frame
Loved the way the window became a natural frame for the snow adorned trees outside. Of course it took many weeks to shoot the entire roll of film before I could actually see the results. There was no instant gratification, like today.
Kodak DC4800
My first-ever digital camera. No more film I thought, I can take an infinite number of photos. Of course it was a point and shoot, but it did help with my composition.
The Beginning? Maybe!
For some reason this photo really had an impact on my creative side. I believe this may have been the one where I made a conscious decision to learn more about photography.
Sony Cybershot DSC-F707
One of my favorite cameras. I was amazed with the sharpness and colors of the photos. The ability to tilt the lens meant I could shoot down low or from up high. I must have taken thousands of photos of family birthdays, weddings, outings, and other precious moments before the built-in flash failed.
Father's Day
A camera, doesn't matter the type, is an essential piece of equipment if it can capture a memory. "A Photo Taken is a Memory Made."
Canon Eos 7D, a Big Upgrade
This was a huge leap in technology. What more could I ask for, 3/4 sensor, 18 Megapixels, Image Stabilization, etc. Mostly shot sports, macro and portraits. Even ventured to use Shutter Priority to freeze action, however, never truly understood it well enough to do this camera full justice.
Many Accessories > Not a Better Photo
I took some good shots with this camera. Sadly though, I wasn't fully satisfied with many of my final photos and figured it had to be the camera and not the operator. Sold the entire set and wanted to get something better, lighter, maybe electronic shutter.
A New Beginning
I thought for sure now... my photos have got to be better than anything I ever shot before. All the videos and reviews I saw of the Sony made it seem like amazing photos were just a click away. Boy was I disappointed. At first the photos were just ok, and this seemed to be my biggest concern in life, but then something unimaginable happened...
With a Tripod and a Bit of Knowledge
I read and watched a few online videos and made a concentrated effort to improve my skills. My photography changed forever. Sitting alone at various beaches, underneath bridges, and other places at night, I found emotional and creative satisfaction. I turned off the electronic shutter, image stabilization, shot raw, etc. and got creative. Now I only shoot in the manual mode, but there is still a lot more to learn.
Camera or the Operator?
It’s not the camera, it’s the person behind it that makes the photograph. This is what I have learned the most. I now regret giving up on the Canon 7D. As such, I told myself that I will not buy any new "toys" for the Sony camera until I have fully accomplished what I can with my stock system. My current setup is Sony A7R III body, 24-105mm lens, Vanguard VEO 2 235AB Tripod, a 3,6,9 ND Filter kit, etc.
Goals for the Future
It's 2023 and I have finally completed my website after only three years in the making. Goals now include setting up a blog and getting my social media accounts going, hopefully I haven't been left behind. Please take the time to explore. As of now, I only have zero followers, and you can be my first friend. Learning about panoramic shots. Improving my people photography skills, maybe getting a camera light thereafter and one day, investing in wide angle lens.
Until then, safe shooting!